Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Updates!

Hello Fellow Chobots!
Did you see the new updates?They are Sweet!!!Let's begiun to the News button =).
You Clik the Name That Says:blog.chobots.com You Dont Need To Log Off ansd Clik The Commity Botten Anymore:P!
Aswome Right?
Amd there is some new magic stuff in the Magic Shop:
Chobot Has Lots Of Them But Their For Citizens =( Thats Okay Though.
Did you see it?The Teleport One Does Where Ever You Want to Move Your Chobot It Takes you Their Like A Snap:o!
And Its Very Easy To Choose Your Coor In The Catolog Now!That Also Means You Can Get Red Clothers Now Yay!
Looks Sweet You Sholud Check it!If Your A Master At Sliders Go Inside the Academy!Theirs 2 Sets of Them.Its Very Chalenging I Never Finished the Game Yet I Had To quite o_o!If Your A Citizen Chobot Still Waiting For a Mod To Make It Rain Nichos Mask Well....I Hope You Have Enough Bugs for a Lightbulb,Speed Magic and Ghost Magic!Becuse At The End of Nichos Mission Thiers a Chobot Named Gune(One of Chistobs Friends)He Gives you a Nichos Mask for Helping Him Completeing The Mission!(Eh,Not So Much)Bye!(Oh and New Ruel For This Blog)(You Must Earn To Join This blog)(unless Your a agent or a mod becuse the've earned lots of things:p)See Ya!


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